Lynxmotion AL5D 4DOFロボットアームSSC-32Uコンボキット(FlowBotics Studio)

メーカー #: AL5DF-KT-32U

価格  :
販売価格 ¥59,450



在庫  :
残り 1 個のみ


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  • SSC-32U USBボードと強力なPCソフトウェアを搭載したAL5Dアーム
  • マウスを使用した、先端のインバースキネマティクス位置決め制御
  • 手首回転は別売(3つのオプション)
  • と互換性があります FlowBotics Studio (ダウンロード)

Lynxmotion AL5D 4DOFロボットアームSSC-32Uコンボキット(FlowBotics Studio) は、SSC-32U USBボードとFlowBotics Studioプログラミングソフトウェアで制御されます。 AL5Dロボットアームは、高速で正確、かつ反復可能な運動を提供します。 このロボットは、ベース回転、単一平面での肩、肘、手首の動き、機能的なグリッパ、およびオプションによる手首の回転を特徴としています。 AL5Dロボットアームは、いつまでも長持ちする、実績のある信頼できるデザインのお手頃な価格のシステムです。 組み立ておよびロボットを動作させるために必要なものは、すべてキットに含まれています。

Lynxmotion AL5D 4DOFロボットアームSSC-32Uコンボキット(FlowBotics Studio) - クリックして拡大

FlowBotics Studioは、コードを作成する必要なく、容易にあなたのAL5ロボットを起動し稼働できるようにする、使い易いグラフィカルプログラムです。 仮想アームを使って実際のアームを操作し、独自のシーケンスを記録、作成、および再生するには、ソフトウェアに含まれるAL5アームプロジェクトを利用してください。 ソフトウェアにより、手首の回転と追加のサーボが可能になります。

Lynxmotion AL5D 4DOFロボットアームSSC-32Uコンボキット(FlowBotics Studio) - クリックして拡大

アルミニウム製ロボットアームは、サーボエレクターセット部品から作られ、究極の柔軟性と拡張性を備えています。 このキットは、黒色アルマイト処理アルミニウム製取付具、アルミ製チューブとハブ、カスタム射出成型部品、および精密レーザーカット加工されたLexan構造用部品から構成されています。 アームはHS-485HBをベースに1基、HS-805BBを肩に1基、HS-755HBを肘に1基、HS-645MGを手首に1基使用し、HS-422をグリッパに1基使用しています。

Lynxmotion AL5D 4DOFロボットアームSSC-32Uコンボキット(FlowBotics Studio)


  • SSC-32U USBボードと強力なPCソフトウェアを搭載したAL5Dアーム
  • FlowBotics studioプログラミングソフトウェアのフルバージョンのライセンスを含む
  • マウスを使用した、先端のインバースキネマティクス位置決め制御
  • 単独のサーボコントローラにより、最大2つのアームまで容易に制御
  • パソコン(USBポート)からアームを制御するために必要なものをすべて含む

Lynxmotion AL5D 4DOFロボットアームSSC-32Uコンボキット(FlowBotics Studio) - クリックして拡大

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Good to start but some errors on the road

Very nice start up kit to operate multi-joint robot arm. There is some missing information in the manual. You can choose some different angles how to mount bracket on servo wheel. That gives you the center position and max/min angles that you can go. The instruction is not clear about this. You have to learn by trail and error. The servo sequencer gives an ability to limit the motion, too. After 1 hour of operation, SSC-32U board was damaged maybe due to high current to move to discrete positions abruptly. I had to order a replacement one. I hope that the programmer will include some transition time delay so that the arm can move smoothly not abruptly.

OK for the price

software makes the kit worth it, you'll need to purchase ~25 dollars of lubricant, sand paper, locktight and bigger screws / washers in order to get this completed by the directions. the hardware comes in all different types of small bags which aren't labeled and each bag isn't used all at once, so you end up picking through all the bags to find the odd pair of screws, which is fine. nothing that anyone interested in a robotic arm should be scared of, just good to know. There is also a bit of slop in the arm, it isn't super exact, and there are scenarios where the feedback and weight of the arm causes the base servo to oscillate back and forth, have not found an easy fix for this yet.

AL5D with SSC-32U : best "first" robot arm for anyone to start out with!

Great robot to learn about and play around with robotics! The SSC-32U isn't programmable, but the positive side to that is you don't need to do any programming - it just works! I also bought the BotBoarduino along with the whole package because I want to later go back and do some of my own programming, but it's not required at all. This package comes with *almost* everything you need. You'll also need: - a basic electronics tool-kit (you have that already) - a sheet of 400-grit sandpaper from a hardware store - a few drops of silicone-based oil from a hobby electronics store Although a lot of spare screws, nuts and washers are included, it would be a *great* idea if in future shipments they would include a spare set of the friction plates because it's very easy to accidentally damage them. For me the first pair went well and the second pair I had to make due by hot-gluing them instead and just using the screws to line them up. At the time of writing, friction plates are available on their store - trust me, you want to buy an extra pair. Also, (and it does say this in the manual for the software) the software should be updated because currently you need to have the Bluetooth icon lit up that actually tells the software to communicate at 9600 bps in order for it to work. It's a bit of an oddity, doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but it's true, you do need that Bluetooth icon lit up even if you're connecting with USB. The only way it can work is if that icon is lit up, so I'm not sure why there's even a choice. That's it - everything else went as expected, it's a pretty neat little arm.

AL5D is the best robotic arm below 400eur

AL5D is very solid, very powerful servos that can lift up to 370g (tested) when fully extended..even more when it is lifting closer to base. It was semi hard to construct (it took me 13 h)..don't worry if the servos make loud sound and vibrate when under load..this is normal. Also the instructions are very strict regarding the centered out of the box servos and say you really have to be careful when unscrewing the servo horn (2 times with this arm) not to move the horn...which is impossible not to do since the screws are very tight..but in fact the servo is easily adjusted back by hand. Very good arm overall!

