Does the job. If you also use the SSC-32U Servo controller for your kit, then this board is not really required, as all the servos can be driven by the SSC-32U. Probably better to use a more powerful arduino, like the mega, that has more hardware serial and more memory.
Works great. easy to use in combination with the ssc-32u servo controller. built my first hexapod with it. fast delivery.
Impressive and easy
I am new to the robotics game and this is part of my introduction. Used this with a ssc-32u for a hexapod walker. Managed to nut it out and get it up and running. such possibilities.
Great product by Lynxmotion
I am very happy with this. While it is pricey for an Arduino, I am very happy that the great Lynxmotion robots are moving to Arduino. The board works great just remember when uploading to use duemilanove and Atmega328