I had seen the SLAMTEC Mapper M1M1 in action on YouTube by multiple people so I though surely the sensor that is twice as expensive must be better, right? This couldn't be further from the truth. The provided software from slamtec's website is shoddy at best. It does not allow for software/firmware updates, it wont even connect to a USA server, it reaches out to Chinese server. The software is bad, so I used ROS on Ubuntu with the provided SDK from slamtec. This worked, but to my surprise the sensor's accuracy was terrible! I would walk 10 feet and place the sensor down in the exact same spot as it started and it measured over 1.3 meters difference on the map! Needless to say, with a sensor like this I was not able to map anything. I just got a big glob of worthless data. I had such high hopes when having purchased this product. Now I've sunk 2 weeks into trying anything I could to make this thing work without any progress. I reached out to slamtec directly and did not receive any response at all, you are on your own with this product. What a disappointment.