Raspberry Pi用 Adeept RaspTank WiFiスマート戦車ロボットキット

メーカー #: ADR013

価格  :
販売価格 ¥15,440



在庫  :
在庫あり 5 個


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  • Adeept RaspTank WiFiスマート戦車ロボットキット
  • Raspberry Pi使用した走行ロボットプラットフォーム
  • 4自由度ロボットアームを装備
  • 組み立てとコーディングが簡単
  • RPi 4 / 3B / 3B + / 2B / 2B +に対応
  • Raspberry Piは別売

Raspberry Pi用 Adeept RaspTank WiFiスマート戦車ロボットキットは、 Raspberry Piを使用した無限軌道走行ロボットプラットフォームで、小さな物体をつかむことができる4自由度のロボットアームを備えています。 RaspTankは、初心者および上級者がAI、ロボット工学、プログラミング、および電子工学を学習できるように設計されています。73ページのイラスト付きPDFマニュアルが付属し、Raspberry Piロボットを順序良く組み立てる方法を説明しています。きれいで実用的なGUIプログラム(WindowsおよびLinuxオペレーティングシステムと互換性あり)を備えた、わかりやすいPythonコードを提供しています。

Adeept RaspTank WiFi Smart Robot Tank Kit for Raspberry Pi


  • 物体認識、追跡、モーション検出:OpenCVベース
  • ライントラッキング-赤外線反射検出を使用
  • C / Sアーキテクチャを使用してPC上のGUI APPによりリモート制御が可能
  • WS2812 RGB LEDによりさまざまな色に変更可能
  • リアルタイムビデオ送信
  • 4自由度ロボットアームを装備

注:18650バッテリ 2個搭載(別売)

Adeept RaspTank WiFi Smart Robot Tank Kit for Raspberry Pi

  • アクリル製部品 1セット
  • Adeept Motor HAT V2.0 1
  • Raspberry Piカメラ(ケーブル付き) 1
  • 超音波センサモジュール 1
  • Adeept WS2812 RGB LEDモジュール 4
  • Adeept 3-CHライントラッキングモジュール 1
  • サーボ 5
  • ギアモータ 2
  • モータシートセット 2
  • トラック 2
  • バッテリホルダセット 1
  • クロスソケットレンチ 1
  • プラスドライバ 小1、大1
  • 六角レンチ-2.0mm 1
  • スパイラルチューブ 1

Adeept RaspTank WiFi Smart Robot Tank Kit for Raspberry Pi

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Hard to build, but cool

Okay kids, grab a pair of tweezers, a big rubber band, your Xanax / CBD Oil or whatever it is that enhances your calm and patience. Also make sure you have a full day to assemble from hundreds of pieces. The design is painful from a build perspective and it will take you a while before you get to the fun, let’s-actually-play-with the robot part of this. It will probably also take you several tries before you figure out how to get the wiring all organized. Note that while this does include 2 16550 LiIon batteries, they provide no charger or means of charging them in vehicle :/. The battery clips are awful. The instructions say to “fix” a provided piece of ribbon to each battery without saying how or how to keep the extruding ribbon from being caught in the wheels or track. There is room on the top to strap a LiIon RC battery pack like this https://www.getfpv.com/zohd-lionpack-max-21700-4s1p-5000mah-14-8v-li-ion-battery.html Also be careful when extending the arm to it’s limit, the wire for the pincher servo isn’t quite long enough. I ended up leaving out the LED side lamps pieces to make enough room for the vertically (why?) mounted Pi + motor hat + wiring. The space in there is really tight even with the 6 or 8 extra millimeters

Not worth it

The software that operates the tank is not compatible with python 3 which is the current standard. Don't bother buying this product.

Have a lot of fun riding it.

The robot is amazing when it comes to assembling it, it requires great care and a step by step that is not always intuitive, you must follow the official PDF guide to assemble it and in my case I had to assemble and disassemble it a few times. I see a small thing to improve for future review the lizards and wheels of the tank the screws tend to come off by themselves in the wheels when the thread rolls it is necessary before each use in progress to check that they are tight because it can happen that they are loose and that will make the tank not move well. In everything else, I highly recommend it for the youngest, mounting it with an adult will certainly be a great feat and an unforgettable moment, in my case I use it as a robot and then you can use it as a PC, it is a fact to take into account if you don't use it as a robot you have it plugged into a monitor and through raspbian you have a whole GNU/Linux desktop. Impressive, it does not disappoint and it is a 5-star product.


Spent most of a night trying to get the software to actually work to no avail. had nothing but running errors that appear to be bad code in the files they have you use. I will most likely figure out a way to use a Arduino and make use out of the other parts. Comment RobotShop: We are sorry to hear that you are having trouble with your kit. We recommend contacting the manufacturer directly to assist you with this issue: [****]

Fun and well designed

the kit is easy to assemble thanks to the very well designed assembly tutorial. the robot works fine with a Pi 4B 1GB. just a compatibility problem with the ws281x library for this version of the PI, quickly resolved by the technical support who gave the explanations and the necessary workaround while waiting for the release taking this version of the PI into account. Everything is of excellent quality, I am very happy with this product which deserves its 5 stars.

