First of all, before you buy this robot have soe basic experience with programming Ardiuno software such as serialWrite, serialRead and defining pins as inputs and outputs. If you don't know this I highly recommend the Basic Arduino learning course. The DF-Robot will be a fine continuation, educational and a lot of fun. Had following the youTube assembly instructions. I highly recommend soldering the wires on the cable and making sure they reach with motors comfortably. The WIFI module was so much fun seeing the little guy run without a tether. Learned different connections abbreviations such as RTX, TXD and 3V3. You are going to learn a lot working with this baby. One thing you got to do is give it a name. I'm naming nine bob, a deviation for Robbie. (we should all remember Robby the Robot) . Future plans include upgrading the motors to 6 volt motors, adding a sensor mechanism and possibly a vision systems. This is a good start I plan on going to bigger platforms and more heavy duty hardware but as I said before the DF-Robot is a good start and so much fun to learn, experiment and watch the little guy go, Thank you Robot Shop