MICRO:BIT用Monk Makes センサボードでは、サウンドレベル、温度、および光レベルを感知できます。 Micro:bit用センサは、MEMS(チップ上のマイクロフォン)およびプリアンプを使用します。サウンドセンサの出力はアナログ入力に接続され、サンプリングされます。音声信号は約1.5Vレベルで変化します。したがって、無音は約1.5Vのアナログ出力を生成します。
This did exactly what I wanted it to do without any problems.
Did what I needed.
The manufacturer is a little short with explanations. For the temperature they write that the temperature calculation is complicated, but gives no formulas, except one that is enough to get started. Would be nice with something a little more in-depth. Other than that a good product, I needed it for detecting sound. They mention subtracting 511 from the analog read, but no more. Would be nice with a little more explanation of the 511 for a beginner like me.