Seeedstudio's Grove Connector system is getting popular with lots of sensors and peripheral devices available. You can get them directly from Seeedstudio of course, but in the US you'll wait (or pay $$$) for shipping. Robotshop offers a great price for a handy connector! Oh yeah, these are made to solder on a PCB, not for building cables. ;-)
GIl Michael
Good but not exactly what we needed.
This wasn't what we needed, it turns out. We thought this was the one needed for Benewake TFMINI Micro LIDAR Module UART (12 m) (USD $39.00).
Nice units
well made, generally std. but nice
Used on a SparkFun 60 LED ring
These connectors and the 90 degree variant were used on a Sparkfun 60 LED ring for a Clock project I am engineering to market. The 90 degree variant worked better due to the offset for the cable into the frame where the ring is mounted. I used this straight pins to use for a side mounted cable and while they worked perfectly, they were not useful for my project. I purchased enough (as I always do) for the next project. If you use any Grove (Seeed) devices, these 4 pin connectors are a "must have...."