It's well known fact that Arduino is more popular than the Wiring board. Why? Probably because Arduino has a cute and catchy name. But the Wiring S board is actually more powerful than similarly priced Arduino boards: double the number of serial ports, double the memory, more analog inputs, more PWM outputs, more external interrupts, more digital I/O pins.
If you grew beyond Arduino, this is the logical next step.
If you use Arduino for a couple of years, you might come to the point when you miss something in between the gap between the UNO and the MEGA: your code won't fit in any more, but there is no need for zillions of pins. What to do? Luckily, you can use Wiring S, which will give you the space for advanced coding in a small outfit. And you can explore new commands previously unknown and very handy. If you get serious with Arduino, at one point you will probably be happy to find the missing little extras in a Wiring S board.
Practical & logical layout with lots of I/O for CAN$26.99
Wiring S board has pins broken out in 4 logical PORT headers. Lots of (54) I/O pins in a small board size. This is just a well thought out board and programmed by "Wiring". "Wiring" IDE language has many extra features (portMode, portWrite). Easy to make your own shields from standard prototyping boards because no odd sized spacing. There is a "Wiring S to Arduino shield" if you want to use Arduino shields. And priced at CAN$26.99.