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3.2'' Raspberry Pi Display Module Pack
Comes with Powerful Graphics
Low-Cost Display Solution
RoHS Compliant
The 3.2'' Touch LCD Display Starter Pack for Raspberry Pi is a Raspberry Pi Display Module Pack, which includes a uLCD-32PTU 3.2'' LCD Display with Resistive Touch, a 4D Pi Adaptor and 5 way interface cable. The uLCD-32PTU-PI customises the uLCD-32PTU Display specifically for interfacing with the Raspberry Pi, to provide a quick and easy interface without any wiring hassles.
The Raspberry Pi Display Module Pack enables a Raspberry Pi user to quickly connect the 4D Pi Adaptor Shield to their Raspberry Pi, connect the 5 way cable between the Adaptor and the Display Module, and be connected in seconds to start programming their new 4D Systems Display.
The uLCD-32PTU-PI has a comprehensive ViSi-Genie library written to communicate with the Raspberry Pi, allowing the Visi-Genie events to be easily understood by the Raspberry Pi and users code.
The display module can be programmed in a number of ways, using the manufacturer Workshop 4 IDE Software. By default the display module will come loaded with the Serial application. It has a comprehensive range of serial commands ready to be received from the Raspberry Pi, to draw primitives such as lines, rectangles, circles and text, to displaying images, playing sound and logging data to uSD card.
Communication to the Display Module is performed via the Raspberry Pi’s serial port (RX and TX).
uLCD-32PTU Display Module
4D Serial Pi Adaptor Shield
2GB microSD Card
uUSB-PA5 Programming Adaptor
150mm 5 way Female-Female jumper cable, for quick connection to another device or breadboard
5 way Male-Male adaptor (for converting the Female-Female cable to be Male-Female)