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Pololu Zumo Shield for Arduino, V1.3
Facilitates Arduino Zumo robot interface
Incorporates dual motor drivers & buzzer
Enhances with 3-axis sensors for impact sensing
Supports customizable motor configurations
Features prototyping areas for expansion
The Pololu Zumo Shield for Arduino, V1.3 facilitates the construction of an Arduino-controlled Zumo robot by serving as an interface between the Zumo chassis and compatible Arduino boards such as the A-Star 32U4 Prime, Arduino Uno, or Arduino Leonardo. This shield mounts directly onto the Zumo chassis, connecting seamlessly to its battery terminals and motors, while the Arduino board plugs into the shield's male header pins. It incorporates dual motor drivers, a buzzer for sound generation, and a suite of sensors including a 3-axis accelerometer, compass, and gyroscope, enabling the robot to sense impacts and track orientation.
The shield enhances the Zumo chassis into a compact, low-profile tracked robot suitable for Mini-Sumo competitions. It supports various micro metal gearmotors, allowing for customizable torque and speed configurations. The shield also features a stainless steel sumo blade for applications involving object manipulation. The v1.3 version of the Zumo Shield includes updated inertial sensors, specifically the LSM6DS33 accelerometer and gyro, and the LIS3MDL magnetometer, replacing the previous models. Additionally, surface-mount components are used for the power switch and pushbuttons.
The shield provides convenient access to Arduino I/O lines, a user LED, and a reset line, along with general-purpose prototyping areas for sensor expansion. An Arduino library and sample code are available to facilitate the development process. Assembly requires soldering, and the shield does not include motors or the Zumo chassis, which are available separately.
1x Pololu Zumo Shield for Arduino, V1.3
Less than 10 cm on each side
Integrated DRV8835 dual motor drivers
Buzzer for playing sounds and music
Integrated LSM6DS33 3-axis accelerometer and gyro
LIS3MDL 3-axis magnetometer
Optional user pushbutton on pin 12
7.5 V boost regulator for powering the Arduino
Access to Arduino I/O lines, pin 13 user LED, and Arduino reset line
General-purpose prototyping areas
Expansion area for connecting additional sensors
Compatible with Arduino Uno R3 and Arduino Leonardo