The Lynxmotion AL5A 4 Degrees of Freedom Robotic Arm Combo Kit (no electronics) line of robotic arms deliver fast, accurate, and repeatable movement. Each arm features Lynxmotion Base Rotate Kit (no servos) , single plane shoulder, elbow, wrist motion and a functional gripper. The wrist rotate feature, which comes in a Lynxmotion Wrist Rotate Upgrade (Light Weight) or Lynxmotion Wrist Rotate Upgrade (Heavy Duty) option, is sold separately. Lynxmotion designed an affordable system based on a time tested, rock solid design that will last and last. Everything needed to assemble and operate the robot is included in the kit, including RIOS, a very powerful Windows program for the Lynxmotion SSC-32 Servo Controller . The aluminum robotic arm is made from Lynxmotion's Servo Erector Set components for the ultimate flexibility and expandability. The kit consists of black anodized aluminum brackets, Aluminum tubing and hubs, custom injection molded components, and precision laser-cut Lexan components.
Robotic arm Interactive Operating System is a Windows program for controlling the AL5 series of Robotic Arms with the Lynxmotion SSC-32 servo controller. With RIOS, your robot can be taught sequences of motion via the mouse or joystick. The inverse kinematics engine makes positioning the arm effortless. This extremely powerful program uses external digital and analog inputs to affect the robot's motion for closed loop projects. If-then, for-next, and do-while, are supported for the inputs. External outputs can also be controlled. The new BASIC code export function allows you to easily create and modify Basic code.